Wednesday, March 15, 2006

this is what I learned

Life is not really fair. Sometimes we get what we don't deserve and other times we do not get what we deserve.

too much heaven

Nobody gets too much heaven no more

It's much harder to come by
I'm waiting in line
Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as high as a mountain
And harder to climb


A grey car stopped by in the middle of the road. I lifted my head from the dirty ice cream that I was currently engrossed with. Then a head popped out from the window of the car - coming from the backseat. Some unknown guy smiled at me as he pouted his mouth as if to say "mwah". Then the head came back from where it came from. The car flew again towards the distance. I couldn't feel more sorry because my ice cream melted.


I like you. That was the title of his message to me. He who I've not known since the last time I was reincarnated and he who I am not planning to know anymore. Not at all. Not in this lifetime. Not even in the next. Non even in the following eternity. I opened the silly message and there I found out more unbelievably-silly-I-like-you-stuffs. My eyeballs zoomed in and out of each and every silly lines. I sort of felt dizzy. I wanted to puke.

Ugh. Bored people and boring nights like this.
You know, not everybody wants to fall in love everytime.

and then this Beegees song kept playing in my head. . .

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I'll miss you

. . . need I say more?